Monday, September 20, 2010

September 19th..and summer is nearly gone. 
On a walk home from town, my youngest daughter collected her first horse chestnut of the season, cracked the spiny shell, and behold! the satin chocolate surface of the nut...beautiful, shiny, and newly revealed.
Summer was long this year, like the summers of my days where rocks in the driveway, and roadside sand burns your barefeet, where the sun is literally blinding, the air hot and heavy, hanging gray/blue over the mountain vista, the ocean horizon.  Cool drinks and cool stores, doors wide open at home regardless of mosquitoes.. too hot for them. Here in the Northeast, windows with screens flung wide at night but the cooling breeze doesn't come.  Only a soft occasional whisper against a bare thigh or cheek as you lie in your bed, still and listening, waiting for sleep to come.
Summer saw family visits, car trips, friends parties and music gatherings, gardening, and hard work destructing and contstructing the studio.   A wondrous culminating ceremony in the hills of Vermont for my middle daughter, punctuated by thunder storms, brilliant sun, soulful food, gift giving people, and the last days in a long journey for eight young women.  This past year for her, one of seeking, searching, spinning, re-membering, storytelling, listening,  giving, creating.  The remembrance community, new to me, and already dear to my heart.  Those three days like a dream, like a family I never knew, but have always known.  So profound and I am processing/writing/drawing/painting/singing.  Wonderful work inspired by the teaching of Martin Prechtel, and inside us all; of the earth. 
This summer has seen the tearing down of our old small barn, and the putting up of a new studio/gallery for me..Structure is framed up, roof almost and doors coming..button up before the snow flies, or maybe even before a big birthday celebration in October, with music and light, good food and companionship.
check out the
Maine shows coming up..Pieces right now at Pearson Legacy Gallery on Deer Isle..a few pieces in Bangor at By Design Art Gallery.
A private showing at Laura Balombini's studio/house in Blue Hill Oct. 9 and 10.
A large solo show Falmouth at Lifeworks Chiropractic in Nov-Feb. exciting for the scope of the show..up to 30 large pieces.

Go out and support the live arts in your neighborhood, your community, support those who long to create, those who need you to listen, to see, to feel.  Maybe you are the receiver,  maybe you are the creator.  We all need someone to love.